On the Road with the Grape Guy

On the Road with the Grape Guy is a on-going feature that follows me from event to event ... I post my thoughts, feelings and reviews of what happened and what I tasted ... basically it is here that I review the events I attend and the things that thrilled me.

Report from: French Wine Connection, Toronto

06 May 2015

La Galaura - Single Vineyard Grenache/Carignan (May 4, 2015) ... Sadly this is one of "those" tastings, where I will tell you about some really nice wines, but if you live in Ontario you'll never be able to pick up a bottle - well maybe not never, but certainly by the time they do reach our shores, the vintages I'll be describing will be long gone.

18 producers from 9 regions of France were here pouring wins the most represented region was the Loire, with 8 representatives.  Below a list of my top 5 producers and their wines that impressed ... Keep your eyes open, maybe one day ...

Click here to see the pictorial evidence and for reviews of the wines tasted.


Report from: Get Fresh in the Valley 2015

19 Apr 2015

Spring at Good Earth(April 18, 2015) ... On a gorgeous spring day we headed out to take advantage of the 20 Valley's spring wine and food pairing program "Get Fresh in the Valley".  22 wineries pair up food with some of their newest vintages (or what they deem to be something fresh / refreshing for the season).  Each winery also hands out a recipe card so you can replicate the dish at home (if you so desire).  This year we started by picking through the wineries that offered up something that we thought sounded interesting - not based on the wine, but solely on the food (this year's full selection can be found here) - we planned our route and out the door we went.  

Below is our ranking of the seven places we went to, some food commentary (because in all seriousness this event is all about the food) and a note on some of the best wines we tried on the day - be they part of the pairing or not.

To see the wine and food pairings we were impressed with click here.

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