On the Road with the Grape Guy

On the Road with the Grape Guy is a on-going feature that follows me from event to event ... I post my thoughts, feelings and reviews of what happened and what I tasted ... basically it is here that I review the events I attend and the things that thrilled me.

Report from - Wines of Portugal at the AGO … March 30, 2010

04 Apr 2010

I knew I had had enough, at this year’s Portuguese wines tasting, when the guy behind a certain table told me the wine I believed was marginally corked was “just very woody” – I would like to think I know the difference between new wood smells and cork; and when I say I’ve had enough I mean it in the I’ve-had-it-up-to-here parental way, not as in too much to drink – although that could be a possibility by the end of the day – sad part is I am only at my third table.  But I would have to say that was my only complaint at this year’s annual Portuguese tasting held at the Art Gallery of Ontario (in the Baillie Court) – that and there was a heck of a lot of wine to try and taste; I’m not sure which tasting is more difficult to get through (based on the shear number of wine to taste): Italy, California or Portugal – they certainly aren’t lacking choice.

Today I tried to stay away from the Ports and focused on the interesting, indigenous and those table wines blended with international grapes.  I present my findings below, in no particular order.  All these wines rated 4-stars (very good) and above; and by no means did I try every wine in the room, so I suspect there were other good wines that didn’t even make my palatal radar ...  (which wines impressed this palate)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



Report from - California Preview Tasting ... March 23, 2010

27 Mar 2010

On April 19, 2010 the Californians will be turning Toronto into Napa-, Sonoma-, Carneros-, Paso Robles-, (and every other AVA in between) North.  Tonight, a bunch of us writer types were invited to get a small sampling of the more than 400 wines that will be poured that day.  Broken down into 7 flights, some as small as 4 wines, others as big as 10, ranging from Chardonnay to a Port-style wine called “Starboard”; 58 wines were poured in total.  Below I break ‘em down by favourites in their respective flights.

Flight A – Chardonnay (9 wines poured)
I like that I am consistent in this category... (find out why, and the rest of my Cali-recommends)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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