Ontario Reviews

Hinterland 2011 Blanc de Blanc
The story behind this wine goes a little something like this: the winemaker and his wife were tasting this Etoiles-destined Chardonnay (their top tier bubbly) and one thought it was too good to just mix into the blend. The debate raged for an un-named amount of time (but remember, they are married, so those can last) - sooner or later the pull-it-out camp won (not sure whether it was a wine making choice or one of those intimate threats couples make when they fight) – but out it came and the first Hinterland Blanc de Blanc was born. This one comes to you in layers: the first thing you’ll notice is the bracing acidity, then the fresh mac apple, then comes along vanilla-hazelnut-biscotti and lime notes. Ultimately it’s a bubbly meant to sip with good friends because of its prettiness and elements of delicacy, therefore it could only be shared with those we love. Price: $35.00 – Rating: ****
Prince Edward County
at the winery

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