Ontario Reviews

Rosehall Run 2005 RRV Chardonnay
I can't praise Rosehall enough; good wine begets praise, consistently good wine begets high praise; and this is the second year in a row that Rosehall has produced an exceptional chardonnay. Many of you know that I am not a chardonnay fan, so you have to know you're doing something special if I praise your chard; and not many have impressed me twice in a row, but believe it or not, “Dan Sulli-van can” (Dan Sullivan, winemaker for Rosehall). This wine was barrel fermented and barrel aged so it has good oak nuances, but they're not overpowering. The nose is rich in butterscotch, vanilla and butteryness; while the taste wows you with tropical fruit, vanilla and a hint of coconut. Good oak integration, crisp acidity, nicely balanced mid-weight chardonnay. Can Rosehall go three in a row … next year we'll see, but for now I’ll be sitting in the backyard with a glass of this.
Prince Edward County
at the winery

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