Ontario Reviews

The Old Third Vineyard 2011 Pinot Noir, Sparkling – A la Volee
Nothing the boys do at the Old Third comes without a story: “A la Volee” means ‘to let fly’ … according to lore, when you hand riddle and disgorge sparkling wine one of the more traditional ways to get rid of the yeast trapped in the bottle is through an arcing arm movement that causes the yeast-plug to fly off all with minimal loss of wine. This small production sparkler is part one of a three part disgorgement. This is the “after 18 months” edition, next up will be an “after 30 months” version and then there’s a will-see approach will be adopted for the final disgorgement (part #3). Right now they have developed a beautiful biscuit, bready note with apple at its core. Very dry and with great acidity. Price: $49.95 – Rating: ****+
Pinot Noir
Prince Edward County
at the winery

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