Ontario Reviews

Rosewood Estates 2012 Lock, Stock & Barrel
More than two smoking barrels goes into this red, a pure Bordeaux-blend with Merlot (32%) leading the charge followed by Cabernet Franc (25%), Cabernet Sauvignon (23%), Petit Verdot (11%) and Malbec (9%). If you were lucky enough to try the ’11 version of this wine you really aren’t at all prepared for the richness and bombast of the ’12. All these grapes are co-fermented in 35% new oak. This is what Rosewood coined as an “experimentation wine” and it really worked. Nose is smoky with tobacco, white pepper and cassis; palate is loaded with dark fruit along with smoky vanilla, tobacco, black raspberry and a nice helping of acidity to keep everything in balance. So far the best of the Lock, Stock & Barrel, let’s hope this trend continues. Price: $34.00 – Rating: ****+
Red Blend
Niagara Escarpment
at the winery

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