Ontario Reviews

Pillitteri 2010 Cabernet Franc, Riserva Famiglia Appassimento

This is the wine that won the Ontario Wine Awards red wine of the year in 2015. Does that put to rest the controversial idea of appassimento being adopted as a wine style in Ontario? No, but it sure does make you pause in your criticism, because if done right, it can be a beauty of a wine. The big worry is that the character of the grape will be lost in all that “manipulation” – but here the Cabernet Franc is front and center with smoky, tobacco, raspberry, black cherry and some nice savoury elements … It reminds me of an old school Amarone and hence why the Italian name for this wine fits. After it is open for a bit there’s a lovely smoothness that cuts clean across the palate. It might be a tad pricy (too say the least) but it certainly is delicious. Price: $78.00 – Rating; **** ½

Cabernet Franc
at the winery

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