MichaelPinkusWineReview is pleased to bring you the OntarioWineReview Newsletter:

A bi-weekly newsletter dedicated to helping you discover Ontario's best Wines, Wineries and Events while keeping you abreast of issues that affect the wine industry in Ontario and around the world.


Ontario Reviews: The Wines to Get Now (vol. 27)

19 Oct 2017


There's lots to talk about this week about things happening in the world of wine - at home and abroad: from Coyote's Run going to pot, part-time writers making a mockery of Ontario wines in a national newspaper or wildfires striking at the heart of the Napa Valley like never before; there's lots to talk about ... but this week its all about the wines you need to get to make everything alright in your world, in two weeks we'll tackle a hard issue or two, but for now enjoy.

Also in this e-blast be sure to check out the latest videos and podcasts - plus links to some reviews of older wines to see if they have stood the test of time.

Click on the wines below to see the full review:

Kacaba 2015 Cabernet Franc Reserve ... (4 stars)

Meldville 2016 Chardonnay, Canadian Oak ... (4½+ stars)

Two Sisters 2016 Chardonnay ... (4½ stars)

Trail Estate 2015 Cabernet Franc Unfiltered, Foxcroft Vineyard ... (4 stars)

Trius 2016 Cabernet Franc ... (4 stars)


  To see the full newsletter please click on the link below:

Wines You Gotta Get: Ontario Edition

(volume 27)


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