MichaelPinkusWineReview is pleased to bring you the OntarioWineReview Newsletter:

A bi-weekly newsletter dedicated to helping you discover Ontario's best Wines, Wineries and Events while keeping you abreast of issues that affect the wine industry in Ontario and around the world.


Newsletter #223 - What's Going On Inside & Outside Our Borders

20 Feb 2014

OntarioWineReview Newsletter 223

February 2014


  • OntarioWineReview: What Going On Inside & Outside Our Borders

  • Grape Guy’s Picks of the Bunch: A Whack of 2012 Wines and an '11 Pinot

  • Bi-Weekly OWR UpdatesWine Videos, Blog Additions and more

  • Wine Event Spotlight: Winter is Most Definitely Here

OntarioWineReview:  What's Going On Inside & Outside Our Borders

Here at Home …

What has the “polar Vortex” Meant to Ontario …
While some Ontario grapes seem to have fallen victim to this winter's notorious polar vortex, experts say it's too early to tell the extent of the damage.  The final verdict on how this winter will have affected the sensitive perennial crops won't be available until June, according to Grape Growers of Ontario's CEO Debbie Zimmerman.  Full Story Here.

Buying Wine in Quebec is Getting Costlier …
Every February for the past few years, the SAQ has increased its prices by at least five cents a bottle, but this year, some bottles are becoming significantly more expensive.  Full Story Here

Around the World …

Even Chile is Having Problems with the Weather …
Chile has declared a state of emergency after a late frost caused an estimated $1 billion worth of damage to fruit crops, potentially hitting wine production and impacting trade from one of South America's top fruit exporters.  Full Story Here

But Don’t Cry for Chile, Seems They Figured it Out …
A severe frost in Chile wiped out an estimated 20 percent of the country’s crop earlier this month, which could reduce the 2014 harvest. However, a leading analyst views that as good news, as lower output in 2014 would help restore balance to Chile's wine industry.  Full Story Here

Don’t Get too Comfortable About Where Those French Grapes are Coming From …
The French know a thing or two about wine. But in the not too distant future, some French wines might not come from their namesake regions.  Full Story Here

Finally, a Developer Thinks of the Wine Drinker …
The aptly named Wine Apartment in Tokyo's posh Shibuya district features a temperature- and humidity-controlled room in the basement for 10,000 bottles. Each of the 18 units comes with a wine fridge for 26 bottles and a rack for glasses.
Full Story Here

You’d Think They Were in Ontario …
Despite the fury of French wine producers, there is one inescapable fact: the tax in France on wine is currently 10 times lower than that on beer. This means a 750ml bottle of wine is taxed at 2.7 cents while the same quantity of beer is taxed at 27 cents.  The proposal is not only looking to raise much needed taxes for France’s empty coffers, senators are also making it a health issue. The proposed bill is also looking to lower national alcohol consumption rates, introduce tough new laws regarding “propaganda and publicity” about wine, and introduce stricter alcohol warnings on labels.  Full Story Here

I Have to Admit That It’s About Time …
South Africa’s iconic winemakers have come together in a rare display of unity to create an association from which they can build South Africa’s reputation as a producer of world-class wines and promote the Cape’s unique wine heritage.
Full Story Here

Drought Causing California to Re-Think Grapes …
“The coming year in California will be characterized by drought and sustainability,” Ciatti said. “The state is seeing a mass pullout of all low-bearing crops. Farmers have been forced to shift from crop diversification to salvaging crops that will provide them the most long-term sustainability.”  Full Story Here

Mapping the World of Grapes – Interesting Trends Found …
"The database reveals that 20 years ago Airen, a white winegrape variety from Spain, was the most widely grown globally, but now Cabernet Sauvignon is the world’s most grown winegrape," Anderson said.  "In 2000, white winegrapes were more widely grown; however, in the decade to 2010 red winegrapes increased their share of the global vine-bearing area from 49 to 55 per cent.  Full Story Here

Wacky Wine Laws (Top 5 – and Ontario isn’t in it) …
Perhaps the most famous law that haunts the world of wine is a 1954 decree stating that no flying saucers may fly over, take off from, or land on the vineyards of Châteauneuf-du-Pape.  Read ‘em All Here

Grape Guy’s Picks of the Bunch: A Whack of 2012 Wines and an '11 Pinot

13th Street 2012 Gamay Noir - $19.95 (W)
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Gamay, last year I did a whole week’s worth of videos on the great Gamays that have been made here in Ontario … one of the wineries featured was 13th Street who annually make my list of must try Gamays.  Here’s their version from the hot 2012 vintage: plenty of black cherry with hints of anise and touches of white pepper for balance.  Acidity and fruit go hand-in-hand here, and a little chill would work even more wonderfully.  Price: $19.95 – Rating: ****

Hillebrand 2012 Trius Cabernet Franc - $14.95 (W, L)
This wine shows some pretty textbook Cabernet Franc character.  The nose is raspberry and tobacco while the palate is full on tobacco, cassis and cigar box … lots of hearty, need-to-mellow flavours, so give it some time and enjoy it in a year or two … still one of the best value Francs in the Ontario section of the LCBO.  Price: $14.95 – Rating: ****

Konzelmann 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon - $12.75 (W)
If you were growing grapes in Niagara during the summer of 2012 you would probably be rubbing your hands together with glee – especially if you owned a number of acres of Cabernet Sauvignon.  This base-model red made using the King of the Red grapes has a huge amount of red fruit, namely strawberry and cherry with a nice seam of spice and pepper holding it all together.  Price: $12.75 – Rating: ****

Leaning Post 2011 Pinot Noir – $38.00 (W)
It’s not on the label (yet), but the fruit for this wine comes from the Lowrey Vineyard in St. David’s, one of the oldest Pinot plantings in Ontario (circa 1981-1984).  At some point winemaker/owner, Ilya Senchuk, will make three Pinots from three different sites across Niagara, but for now this lone Pinot will do nicely thank you very much.  Nose of rhubarb, cranberry, sour cherry, strawberry, violets and white pepper lure you into the glass; palate has got great acid backbone with spice, sour cran-cherry and peppery notes; but there’s also a lushness of fruit that adds balance.  Another great wine from this first year winery, but long time winemaker.  Price: $38.00 – Rating: ****+

Malivoire 2012 Chardonnay, Mottiar Vineyard - $29.95 (W)
The words “Chardonnay” and “Malivoire” seem to go hand in hand – they just seem to make some really pretty versions each and every year.  This one spent 10 months in older oak barrels, with 4 months on lees.  Aromas of peach and vanilla mix with mineral for an alluring nose – the palate is creamy with vanilla, baked toffee apple and that mineral note also comes along for the ride; and there’s plenty of acidity to balance the creaminess.  Only after I tasted the wine did I learn the Chardonnay was made using a Dijon clone (usually a sign to me of an interesting Chard), so there’s no wonder I really liked this one.  Price: $29.95 – Rating: ****+

Reif Estate 2012 Cabernet Franc Reserve - $21.95 (W)
Reif’s 2012 are tasting mighty good, and that’s just the base model reds I have tried; now we’re starting to see their reserve line hit shelves and they’re even better.  The nose here is cassis and blackberry with black raspberry also taking up residence … the palate shows some real depth of flavour with dark fruit, raspberry, cherry-tobacco and white pepper … the lingering finish delivers a mix of cassis-pepper and raspberry.  Price: $21.95 – Rating: ****

Availability legend:  W (Winery) – L (LCBO/Vintages) –  OL (On-Line).

Bi-Weekly OWR Updates: Wine Videos, Blog Additions and more

The Weekly Wine Videos
Just as the name suggest … every week I'll introduce you to another fabulous Ontario wine that you've just gotta try – Check out the YouTube Channel Now

Sparkling Wine Week
Video #59 – Colchester Ridge 2010 Meritage
Video #60 – Half Bay Moon 2012 Pinot Gris

NEW – Quench By Tidings … #Wine Wednesday (see them all here)
Can't Get Away from Chardonnay
My Zin-fatuation Continues

On the Road with the Grape Guy
(Trips, tours and tastings – join me as I review the highs, and sometimes, the lows)
Nothing New This Week

Lost and Found (blog):
(Wines that got "lost" in my cellar - some are Treasures others Trash … Find out what happened)
Fielding Estate 2006 Chardonnay Musque

Taste it Again Grape Guy (blog)
Find out what has happened to some of my favourites over the years
Vineland Estates 2005 Cabernet Franc Reserve
Chateau des Charmes 2006 Gewurztraminer

What I’m Drinking Tonight (blog)
When it’s not an Ontario wine, here’s what I’m pulling out of the cellar
New Posts Added

Vintages Release (blog)
January 18, 2014 – Vintages Release Report
February 1, 2014 – Vintages Release Report

How Was Your Day???

Wine Event Spotlight:  Winter is Most Definitely Here

It's a winter wonderland out there so get out there and tour the wine region of you choice to stay warm and toasty.

OntarioWineReview’s bi-weekly newsletter is devoted to the love, enjoyment and promotion of the wines of Ontario and the wineries that make them.

What can the Grape Guy do for you … Michael Pinkus (Grape Guy) provides a variety of wine related services that you might be interested in taking advantage of:  he gives lectures, leads seminars, conducts tastings, sets up tours; consults, selects and judges.  He also gives interviews, broadcasts, podcasts and writes.  Contact the Grape Guy if you require any of these services or have any questions.

Psst, Pass It On
… keep the good wine flowing. Forward this newsletter to your mom in Milton, your son in Smith Falls, or any other family member or loved one that you know needs good wine advice.

Socially Speaking …
Follow Michael Pinkus, the Grape Guy’s (almost) daily Tweets at http://twitter.com/TheGrapeGuy .
You can become a friend on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/mepinkus
Those who are “Linked In” can find Michael at http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/michael-pinkus/14/704/4b8 .

To contact us with feedback, article ideas, comments, concerns or questions – email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We look forward to hearing from you!

© OntarioWineReview.com 2014. All rights reserved. You may use the content of this newsletter by including full credit to Michael Pinkus, Grape Guy and a link to www.ontariowinereview.com

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