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Ontario Wines Reviewed : The Wines to Get Now (vol. 67)

04 Jun 2020


You should notice a new look to the e-blast today – a little leaner, a little brighter and a few more links to make it easier to get to the places you want to get to … hopefully you like it and please let me know your feedback

In this week’s blast there are the usual 6 wines you need to get right now, or at least put them on your radar for future purchases. There are some of the typical stuff you see from Ontario wineries: Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Riesling and Syrah, but then there is also a Marquette in the mix, VQA newest guest to the party.

Finally, I scrapped the International selection for this first volley of the new e-Blast, it will return in future editions … The “Side Bar” features now appear below the main reviews and still contain videos and podcasts links, plus tastings and reviews from the archives as well as stuff released on the website more recently.

Be safe - stay healthy - drink well.


  Click on the wines name to see the full review:

2027 Cellars 2019 Riesling ... (****)

Featherstone 2018 Cabernet Franc ... (****+)

Kacaba 2017 Syrah, Silver Bridge Vineyard ... (****+)

Lundy Manor 2016 Meritage ... (****)

Traynor 2018 Alta Red ... (****)

Westcott 2018 Chardonnay Estate ... (****)


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