On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Abbotts & Delaunay Lunch and Tasting ... November 6, 2012

04 Feb 2013

There are times you get invited to tastings of wines you have never heard of.  It’s easy to say yes to the Latours, Bouchards, Masis and Frescobaldis of the world, but when you hear a name like Abbotts & Delaunay from the Languedoc (Southern France) you wonder if it’s worth your time – afterall there are only so many hours in a day.  You think I’m being egotistical, but every wine writer worth his salt thinks the same way … but, and this is the determining factor: every wine writer is also a very curious sort, and the chance to try something new pulls on his or her heart strings  even more than the timing-factor pulls against.  Which was why I find myself at the table today at the ex-Jamie Kennedy establishment now just called Wine Bar.

Many will remember, or think of the Languedoc-Rousillon region as the bulk wine ghetto of France – and that was true years ago … but as they say, that was then, this is now.  These days the Languedoc-Rousillon is changing its image, producing first class wines at very reasonable prices – and that truly is the key … the price of Languedoc wines are, for lack of a better term, “cheap” (I know my mom hates when I use that term) compared to the quality in the bottle.

The story of Abbotts & Delaunay is not your typical one... (to read about the wines tasted click here)


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