On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Caliber Wine Agent: Two Italian Houses Tasting ... February 20, 2013

05 Mar 2013


There are wineries in the world who are dying to do business here in Ontario (I think that’s so they can gripe later about how hard and unfair it is to deal with Ontario – everyone should have that honour at least once) – the large market and one buyer are all very enticing to a winery looking to do business outside their own borders.  Today’s tasting was of two Italian houses: Tenuta Santarelli (7) and Marchese de Cordano (5) … the interesting part of this tasting, besides the price points, which were radically low (again, a willingness to get into a market will make some producers drop their pants – metaphorically of course) was that one of these producers (Santarelli) is also making maple wine in Quebec.  All wines are currently private order or consignment thru the agent (Caliber).

Best Wines … (to find out the best wines of the tasting click here)


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