On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Mazel Wines Tasting ... November 11, 2009

20 Nov 2009

There was a time when the words ‘kosher’ and ‘wine’ didn’t mix.  Even to this day, to some kosher wine means sweet sacramental wines, while to others, it means wines of an undrinkable nature, especially if you grew up with the stuff.  While today there are still some real stinkers out there that’ll make you gag as you choke them down – the most notable fault is that the wine doesn’t taste like wine; on the other hand, there are also some very good wines and wineries that are putting out, not just drinkable kosher wines, but would be considered good wines even if they didn’t have the crutch of a ‘kosher’ label on them (the standard for kosher wine seems to be lower because of its undrinkable reputation – it’s as if kosher wine was invented so that the Jews could punish themselves).  Tonight we were here to debunk that myth, a tasting of Mazel Wines wines (kosher wine agent) – a free for all tasting and a sit down portion, where we learned what it is that makes a wine “kosher”, the evening was led by wine writers Sheila and Irv (no last names mentioned to protect the innocent).

Sit Down Tasting …(click here to read my thoughts on the wines we tasted)


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