On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Celebrate Argentina ... November 10, 2009

20 Nov 2009

Before I kick off this review of the most recent Argentina tasting to be held in Toronto, I thought I would offer a few words of advice to those wineries “seeking representation” here in Ontario:  Stop talking to your buddy, get off the phone and pay attention to who’s in front of you.  There were 5 wineries from this South American country who were listed as ‘seeking’ and plenty of agents doing some seeking of their own, looking for the next big wine for the Ontario market (or at least something good to add to their portfolio); but more often then not those ‘seeking’ were too busy gabbing with their fellow countrymen to pay attention to those standing in front of them … keep doing that and you’ll be ‘seeking representation’ for quite some time to come.  Now, shut up and pour the wine.

Alright, enough advice for wineries trying to crack into Canada’s largest market; time for my advice as to which Argentinean wines you should be looking for next time you make that trek to the liquor store – there are plenty of good Argentine wines at good prices and many of them involve the Malbec grape ... (Read about the top 5 Malbecs and the rest of the impressive Argentinean wines tasted)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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