On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Hobbs & Co. Annual Portfolio Tasting ... April 13, 2010

18 Apr 2010

This was kind of a big day for me – I spent most of it sweating the outcome of a mortgage application which finally got approved half-way through this tasting … did such euphoria affect my judgment?  I don’t think so – I still know good wine when I taste it, and I always have an eye for value in the bottle.  I made notes on the wines I thought warranted it and left the rest (that’s usual for me), therefore it was just another day at the office (so to speak) – I just have more gray hair, a mortgage and a new home – hallelujah.

The tasting was broken down by country and I found eight wines to rave about:

Pre-Good News … (see what I liked before and after the bank said yes)


 To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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