On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - The California Wine Fair ... April 19, 2010

22 Apr 2010

You gotta love the TTC when it works;, when it doesn’t it make you wanna scream – and lately there’s been a lot of screaming here in the big smoke about our transit system.  The bus into my neighbourhood never showed, so I had to walk out to my nearest main street to catch a bus and then over to the subway.  Thankfully I was only 6 minutes late for lunch, but I did miss the sparkling wine reception.

Guest Speaker …
This afternoon’s keynote was given by Karl D. Wente, the fifth generation winemaker for Wente Vineyards – the oldest family owned winery in California (127 years).  The tall 33 year old brought with him the message of good soil, taking care of the soil and how it in turn will allow you to make great wine. 

“I’m marginally sick of the green message,” he told us ... (find out what else Karl had to say and of course about the wines)


 To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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