On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Flat Rock's Gourmet Street Truck Launch ... July 29, 2010

02 Aug 2010

Hola Amigos, welcome to the culinary stylings of Adam Hynam-Smith and his Gastronomo Vagabundo food wagon. 

Niagara is just the latest destination for the culinary food truck trend to stop at.  Food trucks have been around forever.  Ever since the invention of the wheel, man has learned to roll his food around and then sell it to his fellow man on the street.  These days you mostly find burgers, dogs and fries as well as other simple street fare, like say ice cream; but lately the trend is to cook more culinary-type foods out of these grease kitchens on wheels, minus the grease and add fresh, more healthy fare … Gone are the burgers, dogs, onion rings and piles of poutine, welcome, in this case, to the gourmet taco.

Before you shout out, “I’ve had tacos out of a wagon before”, keep in mind that the taco is merely the vehicle to get the food to your mouth – and this is not your usual taco.  Tonight, Flat Rock Cellars brings another first to Canadian wineries. 

“Innovation is always important to me,” says Flat Rock owner Ed Madronich... (to learn more about Vagabundo and see pictures click here)


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