On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Zonin North American Premier ... November 2, 2010

22 Nov 2010

At Mistura restaurant, where Chef Massimo practices his trade, Casa Vinicola Zonin launched their new line of wines.

Zonin has wineries in seven regions of Italy and one in the USA, Virginia to be exact – the winery on the Thomas Jefferson property – but this is not about the US wine holding (though those would have been interesting to try too), this is all about the 7 regions they hold property in within Italian borders.

Zonin started with a property in the north, Veneto, then moved onto Friuli (they have one property there); then into Tuscany, where they currently hold 3 properties.  Then it was off to Piedmont, where they picked up another, then still trolling the north they picked a spot in Lombardi.  Finally, moving south, they acquired places in Sicily and Puglia; in total Zonin owns 10 properties (11 if you include that U.S.-based Virginia vineyard).  Today we tasted through some of the new wines being introduced by Zonin and their head eonologist Dr. Franco Giacosa was on hand to speak and answer questions.  He spoke to us about canopy management, proper grape growing and how wine is made in the vineyard so that a winemaker does “the least amount of 'fixing' in the winery.”

There were some really good wines poured from a variety of properties and regions, like the ... (find out my three favourite wines of the day along with pictures of the delicious lunch at Mistura - click here)


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