On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - New Zealand Wine Fair, Toronto ... May 10, 2012

08 Jun 2012

It started with a seminar about New Zealand Pinot Noir and ended with a wrath of Sauvignon Blancs ... but this year I did not fall into the Savvy B trap, I decided that New Zealand must be doing something other than the goosy and grassy grape and so I set my sights on tasting everything but Sauvignon Blanc (and Pinot Noirs during the general walk around tasting) ... this decision made the room much more manageable, the tasting much quicker and I didn't need a follow-up appointment at the dentist the next day.

The Seminar ... Pinot Noir
A comparative tasting of two wines from different regions within New Zealand ... 60% of all the red grapes grown in New Zealand is Pinot Noir and in 2011 they shipped 1 million cases of Pinot Noir globally, so the grape is having an impact on their industry:

(to see how the wines paired up and my take on the rest of the wines at the show, click here)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.


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