On the Road with the Grape Guy

On the Road with the Grape Guy is a on-going feature that follows me from event to event ... I post my thoughts, feelings and reviews of what happened and what I tasted ... basically it is here that I review the events I attend and the things that thrilled me.

Report from: Scenes from the i4C Chardonnay World Tour & Dinner

29 Aug 2014

(July 19, 2014) - "Rain Rain go away, I want to drink some Chardonnay"

I read that on a twitter post on the day of the Chardonnay World Tour ... Last year's event was plagued with a heavy rain storm the night before, which caused havoc with the grounds and pools of water like motes around the event tents, areas were cordoned off to prevent people from going for a "swim" ... This year, it just rained all day.  From morning to late afternoon the rains fell, causing organizers to send out a tweet of their own telling people not to show up till 6:00pm in the hopes the rains would subside.

I arrived on the scene about 6:30, not able to wait out the wet weather any longer ... It spit for a bit between my arrival and about 7:15 ... And then magically the rains stopped (no sunshine mind you) long enough for some friendly milling about, oysters and sparkling wines, dinner and the after glow ... Once everyone left who cares what the skies did (well the clean up crew did I guess).

This year's i4C Chardonnay World Tour elicited some interesting, if not eerie photo evidence ... Let's take a look:

Click here to see the picturial evidence of the event.

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