On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Verona, Italy - Day 4: More Winery Tours ... Monday January 30, 2012

31 Jan 2012

Day 4 ... Every day in Italy is interesting, especially if you don't live here.  It's like when I come in contact with these winery folks and tell them that I am from Toronto - they love the city (because they don't live there), I not trying to give Toronto a bad name - in fact I love the city, I have lived in or around it my whole life, I'm just saying outsiders don't know the problems that are part of living in the city).  We all think Italy is beautiful, but the locals know the problems - we as visitors just see the shiny exterior.  And speaking of problems, I have had many a conversation about our much ... beloved? ... LCBO - it is getting to the point where I don't want to sit next to a winery principal during a meal or a tasting because sooner or later the 'CBO comes up in the conversation..  Sadly everybody has heard of them, everybody seems to have had dealing with them, and nobody likes them - so much for Canada's friendly reputation, seems out liquor boards are doing their best to sully that perception (no one better than the one in Ontario).  But this is not a diatribe about the monopoly, it's to show you the wines we are missing out on because they are just not made in the quantity needed to feed the beast, err, I mean the LCBO.  It's also to show you the beauty of the countryside, the wineries, and the friendliness and hospitality of the people.  Today it was 5 wineries, 2 villas and a view of Verona that would take your breath away.  Once again, it's a picture book story - those are so much easier to read.  (to see the pictorial essay from day 4, click here)


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