On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Verona Italy - Day 5: Even More Winery Tours ... Tuesday, January 31, 2012

02 Feb 2012

I've never been one for museums ... sorry ma ... yes my mother has taken me to a few in my day, usually to see some art exhibits and such that she could not drag my dad to ... but I have to admit, very little interests me in those surroundings.  I walk thru them quickly looking at this and that, stopping at the few things that catch my eye, but for the most part museums aren't my bag.  My wife would think that kinda surprising I'm sure, she teases me about being a little effeminate because of my love for wine and theater ... she also finds it odd I like Abba and am probably one of the few people in this world that doesn't think the Johnny Hates Jazz album doesn't suck - but that's another story.  Today's tour of the Veneto region took us east, to the Soave region.  We first started out at the Museo di Bolca ... a fossil museum ... now this was a funny excursion that was riddled with all kinds of fumbles: the museum didn't know we were coming, they had to turn the heat on, and nobody could guide us through; I self-toured with a couple of other writers then went for a coffee up the hill at a bar and waited for the others to finish.  It was then off to Cantina di Soave - a co-op winery, a castle stop and a small yet intriguing winery called Massimago (owned by a 27 year young woman with a dream) ... along the way we stumbled onto the most interesting place.  Let's take a look ... (take a look at the pictures from the last day - click here)


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