On the Road with the Grape Guy

On the Road with the Grape Guy is a on-going feature that follows me from event to event ... I post my thoughts, feelings and reviews of what happened and what I tasted ... basically it is here that I review the events I attend and the things that thrilled me.

Report from - Montgras Lunch in Burlington ... October 18, 2012

08 Nov 2012


At the recent Chilean tasting (notes to come) I gushed over what I thought to be the tastiest wine in the room, a 2009 Intriga from the house of Montgras.  Just so happens, and unbeknownst to me, my gushing got me an invite to a lunch with Christian Correa (Intriga’s winemaker) and Ricardo Araneda, vineyard and production manager for Montgras.  We met at Spencer’s on the Waterfront in Burlington, where I was treated to a delicious lunch (see pictures below) and some of the best value to quality ratio wines on the market (here in Ontario anyway).

A Little About Montgras … (to read more about Montgras and the tasting click here)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.


Report from - Appellation Wines tasting ... October 29, 2012

05 Nov 2012


As a wine writer I get some unique opportunities to try some very unique wines ... today we had a meeting of the Wine Writers' Circle of Canada and invited Ken Hayden from Appellation Wines in to speak about his wines and let us taste some 50 wines from his portfolio.  What makes these wines even more interesting is that they are all made from "oddball" grape varieties that you may never have heard about before (all from Italy) ... some wines were excellent, others, you kinda wish they had left the grapes in the ground ... but all were interesting, unique and a fun to taste.  Below are a list of the wines that I fancied along with their grape variety, approximate price, their viticulture growing area and the occasional note ... (to read the ratings, click here)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.


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