On the Road with the Grape Guy

On the Road with the Grape Guy is a on-going feature that follows me from event to event ... I post my thoughts, feelings and reviews of what happened and what I tasted ... basically it is here that I review the events I attend and the things that thrilled me.

Report from - 5th Annual Stem Wine Group Portfolio Tasting ... September 28, 2010

05 Oct 2010

The Venue:  Real Sports Bar near the ACC (Air Canada Centre) in downtown Toronto … this is not only a premier sports bar, it is THE premier sports bar, the best in North America, according to ESPN.  TVs hang everywhere, including 3 in the bathroom (though there is none behind the door of the stall, thank goodness, or you’d be there all night). 

We’re up on the second floor overlooking the bar below, it’s 3 in the afternoon, so there’s golf, soccer and some replays from last night’s sporting events on the televisions – plenty of talking heads are mouthing words on silent screens.  It is an amazing sight to see the entire wall move in this way and I suspect during a real sporting event this place just becomes electric … a sport-watchers dream come true.  So what is Stem doing here holding their annual portolio tasting?  Robert Tome, one of the partners behind the Stem Group, has his reasons, all of them good … and that’s all I’ll say.

The Wines, in general and a Word about Beer …
There are approximately 135 wines on hand this afternoon/evening, along with 7 grappas and 4 beers.  I don’t drink grappa, I have enough hair on my chest and I’m not looking to put any on my back; but I can tell you the beer is delicious.  It’s from a company called Birra Bruton in Italy.  You don’t usually think of Italians for beer but these truly are special, especially the Belgian style “Birra Stoner” (sweet and fruity with a touch of spice) and “Birra Lilith” an English Pale Ale Style beer that’s hinted with caramel and coffee flavours.

As for the wine, there were many good ones in the room; I’ll point your attention to those that ranked 4-stars (very good) and above, including the bubbly that topped my list for wine of the night ... (too see my selections of the night click here)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



Report from - Wines of Brazil Lunch and Tasting ... September 27, 2010

05 Oct 2010

You love their wax (or what it does), now you can love their wines (and what they does).  Three years ago on these very pages I told you about Brazilian wine – while I attempted to write eloquently about their fermented grape product I can honestly say that for the most part the wine was barely passable and many of them were cooked – don’t get me wrong, some were very good, but the majority were not (I wrote about 8 wines out of a possible 40-50). 

Fast forward some three years later and it has made a world of difference ... (read about the wines, the food and where you can read more of my comments and tasting notes)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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