From the Cellar

Just because I started a website called doesn't mean it's All-Ontario-All-the-Time. When I kick back at night my mood (and sometimes my curiosity) decides my wine of choice. And the title should read, "Uncorked and Un-Screwed Tonight" ... but that just sounds wrong.

Hamilton's Ewell 2003 Stonegarden GSM (Australia)

06 May 2019

Hamilton's Ewell 2003 GSM


(March 21, 2019) ... This wine came as quite the surprise ... when you open these old bottles you half expect them to be absolute rubbish and you often wonder why you have them sitting in the cellar in the first place; but this was a pleasant surprise. First off the acidity was amazing, yes there was plenty of dried fruit, mainly raspberry, with a dose of white pepper, and while the wine was not complex by any means at this point in its lifespan, it was very tasty - and truthfully sometimes that's all you want (and can hope for) in a wine this old.


Ravenswood 2004 Sonoma County Old Vine Zinfandel (California)

21 Apr 2019

Ravenswood 2004 Zin


(March 15, 2019) ... Zin is not something I particularly open up in the middle of winter, it's a BBQ wine for me - but we were getting ready for summer and decided on making some indoor ribs (read: oven ribs) tonight and so a bottle had to be opened.  This was truly an amazing bottle: peppery-vanilla with sweet-prune notes on the nose, which may not sound too exciting and I admit it worried me a bit, but it was the palate that blew the doors off this wine:  black cherry and spice with great acidity to back it up - I am totally down with this wine. Not at peak but just cresting the hill.


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