From the Cellar

Just because I started a website called doesn't mean it's All-Ontario-All-the-Time. When I kick back at night my mood (and sometimes my curiosity) decides my wine of choice. And the title should read, "Uncorked and Un-Screwed Tonight" ... but that just sounds wrong.

Tarapaca 2011 Gran Reserva, Etiqueta Negra (Chile)

17 Jun 2016

(November 1, 2015) ... This Cabernet Sauvignon started off very slowly for such a "young-ish" wine, the nose was quiet and the palate gave away very little ... but through the course of the evening it began to open, and when it did, wow: mocha, blackberry, mint, plenty of dark fruit ... the old saying "it's not the way you start but how you finish" really applies here as this Chilean beauty ended rich and flavourful. What's even better, at this time the Habs were flying high (hockey's Montreal Canadiens for those uninitiated) they beat the Winnipeg Jet 5 to 1; and that probably played a factor in how it tasted.

(Ed. Note: sadly the Habs season was to end in disaster, but at the time of writing the above how was I to know that)


Howling Moon 2008 Old Vine Zinfandel, Lodi (California)

17 Jun 2016

(October 25, 2015) ... I'm a Zinfandel nut, which leads me to sometimes buying stuff before tasting, or really putting any thought into the purchase. This Zin proved to not be a favorite but it was still quite nice for what it was ... There's plum, spice and a little vanilla on the nose, which is good, and the mid-palate seemed to deliver on the aroma's promise, but the finish seemed too woody and earthy for a Zin;  age might play a factor, but I liked aged Zin, this one just didn't have the appeal.

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